The first thing women typically say when they see my buzzed head is:
“Oh my goodness, is it amazing to not have to do your hair?!”
“Oh my God, do you love it !?”
The answer is a resounding YES!

After my second child I lost quite a bit of hair. If you didn’t know about postpartum hair loss, well now ya know.
I lost a ton of hair and as the new hair grew in, my scalp was so itchy. Also my changing hormones made my hair so greasy and I was getting so frustrated. I would often joke that I wanted to shave it all off.
I put my hair in a messy bun everyday and my scalp was hurting from it being up all the time.
Then I started to wear hats to cover up my mess of a head.

Finally, on the 4th of July 2021 while on a family vacation I gathered up my courage and my daughters, nieces and nephew and got the clippers out. I let them each take turns buzzing my head and my husband supervised and then cleaned it up. To be honest my nephew wanted no part in it. He probably thought we were all going to get in trouble, because WHO DOES THIS !?
My Mother-in-law tried to talk me out of it and couldn’t even watch.
I was nervous it was going to look horrible, but I also have no emotional attachment to my hair. My motto is, “I can always grow it out”. It was WELLLLL into the pandemic and I barely saw anyone anyway. What did I have to lose?
Buzzcut Inspiration
Beforehand, I looked up all the pictures I could find of women with buzzcuts. Spoiler alert, there aren’t a ton out there. But, I was about 70% sure that I could pull it off and that was enough for me.
Maybe I was just never very good at styling my hair, I tried many different cuts, but I never really loved any of my hairstyles until NOW!
I have a SERIOUS widows peak. As in, a kid in middle school literally came up to me with a ruler to measure it, serious. He was the class clown and it was all in fun, but I truly don’t know anyone with a more pronounced widows peaks than mine.
I even looked on Pinterest for “celebrities with widows peaks”, or “hairstyles for widows peaks” and didn’t see anyone quite fitting my Count Dracula status.
FAVORITE benefits of my female buzzcut
LOW LOW LOW Maintenance
Every two weeks I buzz my head. It takes me 10-15 minutes and I have my husband clean up my neck line. There is so little you need to know about taking care of your scalp, but those few tips are crucial. Read my post on how to care for your buzzcut. This is my most recent clipper kit, it’s mid-range on price and has a ton of attachments. If it was just for me, I wouldn’t need any bells and whistles since I cut mine all the same length. But when I cut my husbands hair, I give him a fade and it’s nice to have the taper level for that.
No more expensive haircuts. Not that I got them that often anyway. I was definitely a serial offender of giving myself less than great haircuts. My hair products last forever! I made a little hair mist that my friend calls Mermaid Spray. It smells amazing and has essential oils in it that are good for your scalp health and promote hair growth.

Buzzcuts=Quick showers
Seriously, I’m in and out! Hands down, one of the biggest benefits of a buzzcut. I think I used to hate showering so much because of having wet hair when you get out. The pure simplicity of rubbing a towel on your head for 10 seconds and having dry hair… unmatched. PS these are the best towels in the world. Anytime anyone showers at my house they comment on how absorbent they are. And I love how little space they take up.
More time for Joy
My whole blogging journey is really about finding joy in the simple pleasures of life. I always felt incompetent when it came to makeup and now I have so much fun with it. I always wanted to be better at it, so I started watching Youtube tutorials and practiced. The time I would have spent curling my hair I now spend doing my makeup, which I enjoy so much more.
I feel more beautiful and healthy
It’s funny to say, because I truly thought that I would look like a man ,and that my round face would look even rounder with a female buzzcut. But, I actually look more feminine and thinner, because the hair isn’t covering the one and only part of my face that wasn’t round, which was giving the allusion that it was rounder. I think my eyes pop more now and I can actually appreciate and love my face rather than hide it.
I can have whatever kind of hair I want without all the time, money and effort that goes in to it. I have purple wigs, short straight wigs with bangs, long wavy wigs. Blonde, brunette, you name it. I don’t spend a lot of money on them because they are mostly for when I want to be more playful and dressed up, and I don’t wear them a ton so they don’t need to hold up to a lot of use.

It’s Liberating!!!!
I feel so free of my hair and the struggles I had with it. I’m sure one day I will grow it out again, but for this phase of my life it is EXACTLY what I needed.
I’m not saying that a female buzzcut is for EVERYONE. But I am saying that if you are struggling with something endlessly and only maintaining it because society has stupid rules- then maybe give it some consideration. Maybe you don’t want to shave your armpits anymore. Maybe you don’t want to paint your nails anymore, or wear a bra. Maybe you are done with heels or dying your grays.
Whatever it is, if it brings you DREAD instead of JOY, it’s time to make like Elsa and “let it go”.
If you are struggling to find your joy or have lost who you are in the mess of parenting, take a look at the post that started my whole blogging journey and find a happier healthier you.