Did you do it !? Did you buzz your head?!?!?!?!?

Are you seriously considering sporting the female buzzcut? But you aren’t sure how to care for a buzzcut or protect your scalp? If you haven’t done it yet, but are trying to feel out if it’s the right move for you- check out my post on the Benefits of the Female Buzzcut .
Okay, so here are my pointers on taking care of your gorgeous fuzzy noggin.
Protecting your skin against the harmful rays from the sun is extremely important. Especially if you have just recently cut your hair. It’s like baby skin- it has been protected by your long hair for so long. Make sure if you are out in the sun without a hat or wig that you are applying some sunscreen. Sunburn on your scalp is miserable, and we don’t want to be dealing with any sun cancer down the road.

Sure any sunscreen will do the trick of protecting against the sun, but there are more factors to consider when choosing what sunscreen to use.
There are many chemicals in most drug store sunscreens that you really should not be applying to your body. When we apply products to our skin it gets absorbed in to our bloodstream. Think about how much of these chemicals are getting absorbed if you apply all over your body on a regular basis. Scary!
How to choose your sunscreen
The FDA has proposed that only two ingredients are safe when it comes to sun care- zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.
But there are often other chemicals that are used in the most popular sunscreen products such as homosalate, avobenzone and oxybenzone. These can effect hormone function as they are endocrine disruptors. They can be found in blood and urine samples weeks after application. And if you are using lip balm or aerosol spray with these chemicals in it, it can get into your lungs or other internal organs.
There have even been studies done on the effects of these chemicals during pregnancy- resulting in a link between use and endometriosis in females, as well as lower testosterone in males.
Watch out for “green washing”. Just because a label says “clean” or has botanical images on it doesn’t mean it is made with safe ingredients.

The sunscreens listed below have all been thoroughly vetted and are safe for frequent and liberal use. There are many, many great sunscreens out there, but some of them can seriously break the bank. These ones are safe and on par with the other drug store prices. I use the sheer liquid versions so that I can rub the into my scalp without turning my hair white/gray from the zinc. But any of their products are safe to use, with the exception of aerosol products, which I believe no one should use in any scenario, for the sake of the planet and your lungs.
Babo is my personal favorite but if you are looking for something you can find quickly and easily in a drug store the Neutrogena Sheer Zinc sunscreen is great as well.
Clean Clippers
Okay, so now you are free from the expensive haircuts you were getting, or avoiding getting haha. You can either get those cheap haircuts men have always had that we covet, or you can cut your own hair at home.
If you decide to do the latter, then this tip is for you.
I made the decision to buzz my head on a whim on the 4th of July. I knew if I didn’t do it while my adrenalin was pumping, there was a chance I’d back out. So I sanitized my dog’s clippers, gathered up the family and everyone took turns buzzing away.

Don’t be like me. Don’t use your dogs clippers haha. This would be a prime example of how not to care for your buzzcut.
Make sure you are cleaning your clippers well after each use. Even if you are the only one using these blades, you do not want to expose your scalp to fungus or bacteria. Andi’s and H-42 are great products because they are not only disinfects, but they clean and lubricate the machine as well. Spray it into the sides of the clippers and run it for a few seconds. You will hear the difference or speed almost immediately.
Clogged clippers can catch your hair or nick your skin. Believe me, it’s no fun. These are my current clippers.
Scalp Care
You’ve ditched the long mane and no longer need to use 1000 products for frizz, curls, heat protection, masks, texture powder, gel, mousse, hair spray, etc. You will use the teensiest amount of shampoo and conditioner and it will last forever!
My only tip here is a good scalp treatment.
Most products out there are focused on the health of your hair. They are marketed to help with split ends, dry hair, volume, etc.
This is a unique time in your life where you can forget all those bad hair day issues and focus on the health of your scalp. Embrace and care for your female buzzcut. Give it the nutrition it is thirsting for and pamper it with a luscious scalp mask or oil.
Or, make your own scalp serum! I’ll write a post on how to do so soon, and link it here.
Hats on Hats on Hats
You’ll be happy to have a variety of hat options for both cold and hot weather. I never used to wear anything other than a baseball hat, even though I had so many different hats. Now I wear them all!

You’ll be surprised at how different you may look in hats when you don’t have hair. I always felt silly in them before, and now I love them. Your hats are not only accessories they are now an essential part of caring for your buzzcut and scalp.
Don’t get me wrong, I love having my head al fresco, but when the sun is beating down or the wind is whipping, it’s nice to have some protection. Also, for some reason, now hats feel less like I’m covering up my bad hair days, and more like I’m accessorizing and embracing my face.
So have some fun trying out new looks and protect your little coconut from the harsh conditions.
That’s it y’all. There isn’t much you need to know about taking care of your female buzzcut. Sun care, clean clippers and a little pampering, and you’re on your way baby.